Presentation and Book Signing: Third Thursday at the Tempe History Museum, January 16, 2014

Third Thursday at the Tempe History Museum: Baseball in Japanese-American Internment Camps 

When: Thursday, January 16, 2014
Time: 7:00 pm until 8:15 pm
Location: Tempe History Museum 809 E. Southern Ave., Tempe, Arizona 85282 (MAP)

It's been a long winter. Starting to get that itch for baseball again? Scratch that itch ... Join the staff of the Tempe History Museum on the Third Thursday of each month for a look at the impact sports have had on Tempe throughout the past and how they will shape the future. The topic for January 2014:

Jan 16: Baseball in Japanese-American Internment Camps Baseball
Historian and author Bill Staples Jr. will talk about Kenichi Zenimura, the Father of Japanese American Baseball, and baseball in the World War II era Japanese-American internment camps.

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