
Gentle Black Giants: A History of Negro Leaguers in Japan (NBRP Press, 2019)
Co-authored with Kazuo Sayama
Foreword by Kenso Zenimura
*Winner: 2019 Robert Peterson Award, SABR Negro Leagues Research Committee*
English translation of baseball history classic about the Philadelphia Royal Giants' tours of pre-war Japan. Updated with extensive footnotes, and appendices featuring maps, stats, rare photos, player insights, bios and "tour scrapbooks."
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Kenichi Zenimura, Japanese American Baseball Pioneer (McFarland, 2011)
Foreword by Don Wakamatsu
*Winner of the 2012 SABR Baseball Research Award*
Order your copy now:

“Tadahito Iguchi" (first Japanese-born MLB player to compete in and win a World Series) biography in The 2005 World Champion Chicago White Sox: Grinders and Gamers (SABR, 2025)

"A 'Peaceful War of Baseball': University of Minnesota Beats Waseda University, 3–2, in 15 Innings, May 26, 1911" in The National Pastime: Baseball in the Land of 10,000 Lakes (SABR, 2024)

"From Crookston to Cooperstown: Chet Brewer and John Donaldson Battle in a 12-Inning Integrated Duel" (co-author with Pete Gorton) in The National Pastime: Baseball in the Land of 10,000 Lakes (SABR, 2024)

"Jesse 'Hoss' Walker" biography (co-author with Adam Darowski) in The 1939 Baltimore Elite Giants (SABR, 2024)

Two entries: "Kenichi Zenimura: The Father of Japanese American Baseball and the 1924, 1927 and 1937 Tours," and "Gentle Black Giants: Negro Leaguers in Japan, Philadelphia Royal Giants Tour, 1927" in Nichibei Yakyu: U.S. Tours of Japan, 1907-1958 (Volume 1) (SABR, 2022)

Two entries: "June 14, 1872: Dolly Varden Club 27, Yeddo Royal Japanese Troupe 23, at Newington Grounds, Baltimore," and "April 4, 2001: Hideo Nomo joins elite company with no-hitters in both leagues," in Baltimore Baseball (SABR, 2021)

"Joe Staples" (no relation) biography in One-Hit Wonders (SABR, 2021)

"April 1, 2002: Big Unit matches the Big Train in Opening Day victory for Diamondbacks" in the virtual "Opening Day" Series (SABR, 2020)

"Biz Mackey in Japan," chapter in The Eagles Take Flight: The Story of The 1946 Negro League Champions (SABR, 2019)

“Hideo Nomo” biography and two game summaries in NO-HITTERS (SABR, 2017)
"Film review: THE VANCOUVER ASAHI = バンクーバーの朝日 | By Yuya Ishii"
Pacific Affairs (Vol. 89 No. 2), The University of British Columbia, Vancouver (June 2016)
“Japanese American Baseball” in Asian Americans: An Encyclopedia of Social, Cultural, and Political History (ABC-CLIO, 2013)

"Book review: The Barnstorming Hawaiian Travelers: A Multiethnic Baseball Team Tours the Mainland, 1912-1916, by Joel Franks" (SABR Dead Ball Era newsletter, November 2012)

“Black Giant: Biz Mackey’s Texas Negro League Career” in Black Ball: A Journal of the Negro Leagues (McFarland, Spring 2008)

Baseball and the Occupation of Japan: America's Pastime as a Tool to Promote Social Values, by Takeshi Tanikawa (McFarland, 2019)

The Big Fella: Babe Ruth and the World He Created Hardcover, by Jane Leavy (Harpers, 2018)

1935 年のサムライ野球団 「裏ワールド・シリーズ」に挑んだニッポニーズ・オールスターズの謎 (Samurai Baseball in 1935: The Nipponese All Stars at the Other World Series) by Kazuo Sayama (2015)

Japanese American Baseball in California: A History, by Kerry Yo Nakagawa, Tom Seaver, et al. (The History Press, 2014)

Color Blind: The Forgotten Team That Broke Baseball's Color Line, by Tom Dunkel (Open Road + Grove/Atlantic, 2013)

Banzai Babe Ruth: Baseball, Espionage, and Assassination during the 1934 Tour of Japan, by Robert K. Fitts (University of Nebraska Press, 2013)

Arizona: 100 Years Grand 1912-2012, by Lisa Schnebly Heidinger (Arizona Historical Advisory Commission, 2011)